Meet the Team - Anna Sophie Pfoertner

Meet the faces behind YSCS! Next it’s Anna - one of our board members. Read on for the full interview! 👇

First of all, what do you enjoy about being a YSCS board member?

“I love being surrounded by a wonderful group of passionate people who also want to create a fairer world in which young people help shape the future they want to see. Young people are rarely afforded the opportunity to be a trustee, so I am especially appreciative that YSCS have committed to centring the youth voice and including young people on their board.”

Why do you think it’s important for young people to have a voice on marine policy?

“The ocean is our future, so those living in that future should be the ones making decisions about it, no matter where they live in relation to the coast. Many young people have a clear vision of what needs to happen to ensure a sustainable future, often from a more objective viewpoint than those already engaged in a particular industry.”

What marine issues in Scotland are you most passionate about and why?

“I’m particularly passionate about more effectively protecting biodiverse areas from detrimental impacts, such as trawling or noise pollution. These areas have huge ecological value as they are important carbon sinks and can help boost natural recovery elsewhere, attributes which I believe must be carefully considered by the oil & gas and renewable energy industries.”

What advice would you give to other young people passionate about our seas?

“Take up opportunities to learn and engage, they will not only benefit the ocean but also your own development. You’ll meet some incredible like-minded people in this field. And be creative, there are many different ways to engage or share your love for the seas, find what works best for you and you’ll be so much more effective.”

And finally, tell us about your favourite coast or sea spot in Scotland.

“Having lived on the west coast in Oban for five years, I love the diversity of coastal areas there, from rocky beaches to white sands. I had the amazing opportunity to spend five days onboard a research vessel with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) surveying waters for cetaceans, experiencing the true beauty and diversity of the Hebridean Seas.'“

Anna on board the Silurian Research Vessel with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust


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Meet the Team - Caitlin Turner