Meet the Team - Caitlin Turner

Meet the faces behind YSCS! Next it’s Caitlin Turner - one of our board members. Read on for the full interview! 👇

First of all, what does being a board member actually involve?

“Being a board member is a really interesting role. You can help shape your organisation and its aims, you become a representative of it and are an integral part of its functioning. I'm really proud to be a Trustee for YSCS and part of such a strong board, which has welcomed young people to be part of it and allowed us to lead on and assist with developing policies, fundraising and recruiting new members.”

Why do you think it’s important for young people to have a voice on marine policy?

“Young people are growing up to inherit a future we're getting very little say in. We're incredibly aware of the issues impacting the ocean. We're passionate and determined and we channel that into action. With a seat at the table we can work together towards a greener, more just and more equitable future for everyone.”

What marine issues in Scotland are you most passionate about and why?

“I'm passionate about ensuring that policies and plans affecting our marine environment not only aim to support low-impact, sustainable fishing efforts, but also put in place management measures for our many protected areas that are still without them. 37% of our seas have MPA designation, but sadly this doesn't mean 37% is protected...”

What advice would you give to other young people passionate about our seas?

“Don't lose hope. It can be hard to keep fighting for change when facing wave after wave of bad news about the state of our planet. But the very fact you care and you're fighting at all means that hope is still alive. Try to look for the good stories, celebrate the wins - no matter how big or small, and follow the work of other conservationists. We're in this together.”

And finally, tell us about your favourite coast or sea spot in Scotland.

“Sanna Bay, on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula. I first visited when I was 12, my aunty and uncle were getting married in the nearest town, Kilchoan. I made lovely memories snorkelling and peering into rock crevices to see what I could find. When the Covid lockdown properly ended, it was the first place I went to visit. It holds a special place in my heart, feels like home. I even named my dog after it!'“

Sanna Bay, Kilchoan


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