Meet the Team - Alan Munro

Meet the faces behind YSCS! First's Alan Munro, our Founder and Director. Read on for the full interview! 👇

First of all, tell us about your role at YSCS:

“I founded YSCS in 2022 as I became increasingly aware that young people were not being represented in marine decision-making. My role is now to oversee the running of the organisation and work with Sophie and the Trustees to deliver its objectives. I am also responsible for fundraising.”

Tell us about your background and what led you to YSCS:

“I have a Masters degree in coastal and marine management and since graduating I have had a number of marine-related jobs, including as the Coastal Communities Network Coordinator at Fauna & Flora. Here I have the privilege to support many grassroots community groups who are helping safeguard our seas. I have always been passionate about campaigning and enabling others into taking action. It was this passion which led me to set up YSCS!”

Why do you think it’s important for young people to have a voice in marine policy?

“Including young people in marine policy seems to me to be a no-brainer, as they have a long-term stake in the health of our seas. However their voices have been largely overlooked until now by policymakers. Young people can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table if they are given the right kind of support and opportunities.”

Tell us about your favourite coast or sea spot in Scotland

“I absolutely love the East Lothian coastline, particularly the stretch between Aberlady and North Berwick. I love meandering along the coastal path through the sand dunes. I keep hoping one day I’ll spot one of those elusive humpback whales which frequent the Firth of Forth, but as yet I’ve not been so lucky.”


Meet the Team - Sophie Plant