Meet the Team - Sophie Plant

Meet the faces behind YSCS! Next it’s Sophie Plant, our Project Coordinator. Read on for the full interview! 👇

First of all, tell us about your role at YSCS:

“I work alongside Alan and our Trustees on a whole variety of things, including organising our upcoming training programme, liaising with external partners, developing marine policy resources, coordinating volunteers and managing our social media and website.”

Tell us about your background and what led you to YSCS:

“I’ve worked in marine conservation, education and campaigning roles in Scotland and further afield for a few years now. I’ve engaged with people anywhere between 1-80, but i love working with young people the most as they bring so much energy and passion. My experience in different education roles, community organisations and marine policy is what led me to YSCS!”

Why do you think it’s important for young people to have a voice in marine policy?

“Young people have the voice of our future, but currently aren’t as engaged in marine issues as other environmental movements. Amplifying their voices and making sure they have a say in how our seas are managed is fundamental to a healthy marine ecosystem for years to come.”

Tell us about your favourite coast or sea spot in Scotland

“I’m lucky enough to live right by the sea, on the Isle of Arran. There’s so many amazing beaches and spots for paddle boarding, snorkelling and diving in the protected areas around the island. My favourite spot is an amazing shallow seagrass bed where I go snorkelling - just metres from my house! I’ve seen starfish, catsharks, conger eels and more fish than you can count there.”


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